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What's your Kryptonite?

Lean beef aminos. Basically hydrolyzed beef collagen, beef protein isolate and glycerine…. Chocolate flavoring makes it pretty mush like a Hershey syrup, great to put on anything to add a lil protein. Or take a few tbs preworkout for a good pump

Oh. Derrr. I couldn’t think of WTH that was lol. Thank you. Will try. :D
Skippy peanut butter & trumoo whole chocolate milk. If any of you love chocolate milk or milkshakes and haven’t tried trumoo whole chocolate milk, consider yourselves lucky, run away from that delicious devil.
Delta 9 is typical THC that you’re most familiar with. Delta 8 is likely what you’re describing. It definitely still gets you “high” but is less psychoactive from my experience.
Gotcha thank for informing me. I could have googled it but I’d rather hear it from someone who actually knows
The courts refusing to let me see my son. If you don’t have money for a good lawyer you loose. 😔
Bourbon. Bourbon leads to all sorts of bad decisions for me. Usually some sort of fried chicken and fries. It’s shameful and delicious.
The courts refusing to let me see my son. If you don’t have money for a good lawyer you loose. 😔
The courts won’t let you see him at all? Do you pay support? If you do you legally have rights to see him in every state.
Getting older kind of sucks and makes everything worse. That said, I'm fairly fortunate. No real vices left and none ever had a real pull on me. Occasional over indulgence now maybe but on average pretty low levels of anything. Maybe it took some work to get here - I do notice the past years that I am strict without being strict. Say if I see chips in the pantry and on the odd chance I happen to be feeling it, maybe I'll skip it, maybe I'll have 2-3, inconsequential during most periods, and I'm done. Maybe I got balanced or boring or did enough that I no longer care.

One quote that always stayed with me, "Discipline is simply remembering what it is you want." That simple sentence says a whole lot more than it seems initially.
The courts won’t let you see him at all? Do you pay support? If you do you legally have rights to see him in every state.

Visitation/possession is not contingent on paying support.
People think it is.
There is no clause that says the non-custodial parent shall have possession from timex to timey unless non-custodial parent is behind in support payments.

I've had support orders through multiple states. And my possession/access time has NEVER been contingent on support balance. .
I used to rave a lot and while it was fun there was also a lot of unhealthy physical and emotional aspects to it including the relationship I was in. I miss it but don't.

At 41 food is kryptonite. I'm a big foodie especially sweets. My Cookie Dealer and Buckeye Brownies have got me recently. Such easy access to order treats to my door.

But like many I'm an extremist and probably an emotional eater. So a cheat meal can turn into a binge very easily if I don't watch.
Stress ruins me. Its ruined me! My gf’s ups and downs fucks my mind and I just completely shut down. I went to see her today to give her, her xmas present and I dont know what I said and she completely changed and ruined my day. Shes my kryptonite. But this has to end.
Stress ruins me. Its ruined me! My gf’s ups and downs fucks my mind and I just completely shut down. I went to see her today to give her, her xmas present and I dont know what I said and she completely changed and ruined my day. Shes my kryptonite. But this has to end.
Is your kryptonite your girlfriend ?
Or is your kryptonite the thought that if you finally respect yourself and leave her alone, that she'll get railed by 5 dudes that same night ?
Is your kryptonite your girlfriend ?
Or is your kryptonite the thought that if you finally respect yourself and leave her alone, that she'll get railed by 5 dudes that same night ?
Lol. I have not comments.
Lol. I have not comments.
It's not really a shot at you. But I think weve all been there. We know we are being mistreated.
But we stay for fear that shell just find a replacement/replacements and from that shell be out there getting railed by everyone. One at a time. Or all at the same time.

I stopped thinking that way after my first divorce. She's out there getting railed. I might as well be out there railing too.
Happiness forgets what loneliness remembers.
It's not really a shot at you. But I think weve all been there. We know we are being mistreated.
But we stay for fear that shell just find a replacement/replacements and from that shell be out there getting railed by everyone. One at a time. Or all at the same time.

I stopped thinking that way after my first divorce. She's out there getting railed. I might as well be out there railing too.
Happiness forgets what loneliness remembers.
All i can say it’s definitely not easy!
It's not really a shot at you. But I think weve all been there. We know we are being mistreated.
But we stay for fear that shell just find a replacement/replacements and from that shell be out there getting railed by everyone. One at a time. Or all at the same time.

I stopped thinking that way after my first divorce. She's out there getting railed. I might as well be out there railing too.
Happiness forgets what loneliness remembers.

I didn't read it as mistreatment, though also valid, but more crazy ups/downs and him being in it.

Either way, you are right, we've all been there. Fuck that. I'm happy to help and support someone but if it's a crazy ride all the time for first world problems... they ride alone.

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