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New member
Mar 29, 2009
So I started a thread about using clen, Im new here and it got deleted for something I said. Anyway, Does anyone think clen is worth the $ to use for 6 weeks or so? Why and why not?
its definitely worth the $ if you put in the diet and cardio and hard work and research ect ect...Alex
its definitely worth the $ if you put in the diet and cardio and hard work and research ect ect...Alex

Ditto....and even moreso...its a good diet is worth the money for sure!
Well, if youre talking about money clen is so cheap thats not even a factor unless you have the wrong source who is charging too much.
From my experience the effects of it are not worth the sides you have. It can have cardiac effects etc, and to me the sides outweigh the good effects. Like Steele said, a good diet is more than enough. Cardio too of course.
I have used Clen and would not recommend it. I suffered from severe cramps and tried everything from taking Taurine, Bananas, Gatorade, and gallons of water. In addition the headaches were not fun. Anything that makes you feel that bad cannot be good for you.

I would just watch my diet and do extra cardio, and take additional walks, park in the back of parking lots, use stairs as opposed to elevators, etc... anything to burn additional calories naturally.
? for the guys who got the sides from clen: how much clen and how heavy where you at the time? what else were you on?...just curious because most sides with clen are dose related...Alex
i prefer eca when i need the push
its ok but i prefer regular fat burners...same result to me, or at least similar enough.
? for the guys who got the sides from clen: how much clen and how heavy where you at the time? what else were you on?...just curious because most sides with clen are dose related...Alex

Been too long, I dont remember the dose but I do remember that it was about high average on the dosage side. I weighed about 240 lbs 6 foot tall at about 12% bodyfat or so.
I was running 120mcg (whatever the units are). My weight was 240lbs at 6'2" and 13% bf. I used the gradual ramping up method over two weeks, taking 20mcg per day and increasing every couple of days, but even at low dosages I started getting sides.

I had cramps in weird places too.. Like my neck and forearms. But I also had wicked cramping in the usual places like feet, hamstrings, etc.

Some people react differently, I just happened to be ultra sensitive to the sides and determined that any thermogenic benefits I received didnt outweigh the negative sides.
I was running 120mcg (whatever the units are). My weight was 240lbs at 6'2" and 13% bf. I used the gradual ramping up method over two weeks, taking 20mcg per day and increasing every couple of days, but even at low dosages I started getting sides.

I had cramps in weird places too.. Like my neck and forearms. But I also had wicked cramping in the usual places like feet, hamstrings, etc.

Some people react differently, I just happened to be ultra sensitive to the sides and determined that any thermogenic benefits I received didnt outweigh the negative sides.

Sounds like me.

IMO, clen is one of the more dangerous supplements out there for bodybuilding. Personally, I just don’t really feel healthy when using clen plus I walk around like my face is on fire and have insomnia. I prefer Salbutamol and wish a few more sponsors might start considering carrying:

Here are a few articles for your consideration you can find on Pubbmed:
Daubert GP, Mabasa VH, Leung VW, Aaron C.
Acute clenbuterol overdose resulting in supraventricular tachycardia and atrial fibrillation.
J Med Toxicol. 2007 Jun;3(2):56-60.
PMID: 18072161 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Parr MK, Koehler K, Geyer H, Guddat S, Schanzer W. Clenbuterol marketed as dietary supplement.
Biomed Chromatogr. 2007 Oct 15; [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 17939172 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
here is link to article about one case of end stage renal disease related to AAS and clen.

**broken link removed**

The article said: "In conclusion, we suggest that the use of clenbuterol and AAS provides a scenario that may increase the risk of renal failure especially in pre-existing kidney diseases." The key question is "pre-existing kidney diseases" and who has it. Many doctors say everyone has some sort of kidney issues and they have never seen anyone with perfectly healthy kidney.
its definitely worth the $ if you put in the diet and cardio and hard work and research ect ect...Alex

How should you run your protein, carb, calorie numbers while running clen?
A friend who competes who takes it keeps his protein at 1.5 X bodyweight and carbs just under 1 X bodyweight?

He takes it toward the end of his diet leading up to competition 2 days on 2 off and ups the dosage and then tapers off??

Heard you should also take t3 with it and can add in winstrol to add a lean 5-10lbs while dieting? Any ideas?
im on my third "cycle" with it this time im trying 6 weeks. the first two times i lost ~4 pounds in two weeks without changing my routine. i always started around the 20mcg twice a day then bump it 20-40 at a time. I say this because i had sublingual so the measurement was basically a close enough guess. I have pills this time so it will be a more accurate this time. Only sides i have are the shakes and I have to have it cold in the house at night to sleep. I know when i have had too much "for me" as i cant think clearly. I keep losing my train of thought. Like today 160 a little too much tomorrow back it down to 120.
? for the guys who got the sides from clen: how much clen and how heavy where you at the time? what else were you on?...just curious because most sides with clen are dose related...Alex

i never went past 60mcg but sides went away after 3 days.
I actually suffer worse sides from ECA
im on my third "cycle" with it this time im trying 6 weeks. the first two times i lost ~4 pounds in two weeks without changing my routine. i always started around the 20mcg twice a day then bump it 20-40 at a time. I say this because i had sublingual so the measurement was basically a close enough guess. I have pills this time so it will be a more accurate this time. Only sides i have are the shakes and I have to have it cold in the house at night to sleep. I know when i have had too much "for me" as i cant think clearly. I keep losing my train of thought. Like today 160 a little too much tomorrow back it down to 120.

so you lost 4 lbs in two weeks or about 4 lbs a week so after 2 weeks you were down 8 lbs???
And what do you mean you didnt change your routine? did you mean diet?

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