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Cycle Advice/Review


New member
Nov 1, 2009
I would very much like to hear your thoughts on the following (hypothetical) cycle:

Weeks 1-10: Test E.@ 500mg/week (once per week)
Weeks 1-10: EQ @ 400mg/week (once per week)
Weeks 1-10: Proviron 25 mg daily
Week 13: 40 mg Nolva daily, 100 mg Clomid daily
Week 14: 30 mg Nolva daily, 50 mg Clomid daily
Week 15: 20 mg Nolva daily, 50 mg Clomid daily
Clenbuterol PRN throughout

Multivit, Milkthistle, Potassium, Glucosamine would be taken religiously, alcohol is nonexistent (religion), and diet is strong.

I believe, based on the research I've done, that this is a fairly sound cycle, but I'd like to hear what the experts think. The desired endstate is to put on somewhere between 15 and 20 lbs of lean muscle mass (after PCT) along with a proportionate increase in strength.

About the athlete: 28 years old, been lifting since high school with a 1-year switch from serious weight lifting to lifting only 12 & 40 oz curls. 5'9", 193 lbs. He has done one cycle before with test e 500 mg/week & Winnie 50mg/day approximately 1 year ago (that is how he went from 175 to 195). The athlete has a very difficult time gaining weight.

Pushing the limits of what's allowed: What would you change (if anything) if you also had HCG, Winnie (oral), Tren, Anavar, Test P, Masteron, and Anastrozole available?
I think it would be a better idea to split up your injections to twice per week. LIke tue and sat for example. It will keep your test levels more stable. Standard pct, works good for these compounds. But why the proviron all the way through? Do you retain a lot of water? Are you gyno prone? You probably won't need it unless you answered yes to those. Get some anastrozole to keep on hand if you experience too many sides, though I don't think you will with these compounds at those doses, besides the common test e water retention. To me water isn't so bad off season(winter). I would run the cycle at least 14 weeks though. Eq takes a while to kick in, it is mild, it helps your joints, it increases most peoples appetites, the gains are very easy to maintain, and it has very few sides. So it is ideal for long bulking cycles and you can run it longer than most compounds "safely". A lot of people recommend coming off the eq one week before the test.

If you choose to run it longer you should throw in a week of HCG or Clomid somewhere mid cycle.

Pushing the limits of whats allowed(according to who?) I would jump start the cycle with 4 weeks of d-bol 50mg/day. Because the Test e and Eq are long esters and take a few weeks to really kick in. Also, I think if you have a hard time gaining weight you should read BigA's principles. It is in the begginers section of the forum.
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Re: Splitting the injections, prolonging the cycle, and acquiring anastrozole: Will do, thank you.

Water retention was borderline ridiculous in the face last time, and as for gyno, I'm not sure...there was no nipple soreness/swelling, but I did lactate mildly. I was a retard and wasn't prepared, thus I had nothing to combat it with. Luckily it stopped on its own after only two days.

Mid-cycle HCG would be 5000 IU split into injections EOD, correct? Would Clomid be 100mg/day?

The Board Rules prohibit asking someone to set up a cycle and I thought that I would be pushing the line between reviewing/critiquing a cycle vs designing one.

I don't have access to Dbol, unfortunately. I tried to put together the best cycle I could with what I have available. I was thinking about adding Winnie at 50mg/day for the first 4 weeks. I understand that Winnie is typically used as a cutting agent but it has a higher anabolic:androgenic ratio than Dbol so it should still work to jump start the cycle as long as I'm not on a calorie deficit, correct?

Thank you for pointing out Big A's principles. I've been using similar principles for the past couple of years (keeping a log and striving to best the previous workout's performance, low rep high weight, 2g/lb protein) and that's probably why I haven't lost weight/strength. It looks like I've been overtraining slightly, although my failure to gain weight naturally may also be due to my cardio routines.

Sorry for being so verbose, thanks for taking the time to read this and a bigger thanks for taking the effort to respond. I really appreciate it.
definitely use an AI like aromasin or adex if you had such bad sides last time without one! :eek:

also split up your dosage and your sides will decrease (stable levels = less fluctuation in test/estrogen = less sides).

Also the test E has a shorter half life than the EQ so you would want to run the Test E a week longer than the EQ (so EQ 1-10 and Test E 1-11 then start PCT week 13).

Your clomid dosages look high especially since your nolva dose is high. You're going to be pretty emotional with that high of clomid dosage...
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Looks like youve done your research... I cant add anything that hasnt been said already... split your injections an use aromasine if you are gyno prone.
good luck bro

ps you should run your test for atleast 14 wks and your eq for atleast 12 wks to get the full bennefit.
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