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Help with badass Peptide stack


New member
Apr 1, 2023
First things first. This board is bad ass and Im happy to be a part of it.

I would love to get some help developing a BadAss peptide stack. Preferably one that I can rotate the peptides as needed for the best efficiency: Either monthly or every 3 mo or sooner if neede. It doesn't matter to me. I am currently using hgh @1.5ius per day and I am cruising on my trt with it. Currently I am 210-212 - soft lean; probably 12% ish. I would love to be 215-220 and leaner. I have been experimenting with a lot of peptides for the last few years and have never been super impressed with taking them solo. (many reasons I now know). However I LOVE BPC stacked with TB500. I generally keep copious amounts of these two on hand, as well as TA1, and only take them when I feel bad or get injured. MMA and BJJ can be a bitch. I have never attempted to stay on either these year round, I just use them as mentioned.
And before anyones asks, My dose on the HGH is low on purpose due to the fact I get the carpel sides easy. So after about 18mo on straight, it was horrible so I came off for about 5-6mo. then got back on about 3 or 4 mo ago and was planning on a slow incline up, just haven't yet. I want to get the peptides going.

I would like to do a fairy long stack ( with yalls help and advice), but of course one that makes the most sense. I really want to see and feel the benefits of Hex in this stack and rotation. I have had some guys at the gym brag on their Cjc / Imap runs: A coupe stacked their Ipam with NO Dac while another guy stacked his Ipam with CJC W/ Dac. He did 100mcg cjc WITH Dac twice daily. I forget how much Ipam he ran with it.

I am wondering about starting with a Hex / Cjc run. then switch to Ipam / Cjc when its time to drop the hex. OR would it be better to mix all three and just take the Hex on a select and fixed schedule. OR: would mix Hex and a different GHRH then switch to Ipam/Cjc.

I would to also see about including a sermorelin or tesamorelin for Pre-Bed on this stack. Or is this overkill at this point ? I have read so much about people different preferences on taking a GHRP or GHRH before bed - I truly do not know what might be better, or if it makes difference over all. Or should these be rotated ?

As you can see: I have a lot of thoughts here that I need help with. And rather than not say enough, Im just putting it all out there. I would love some feedback on how to build this out THE RIGHT WAY and how it would all be best utilized. Would you keep the HGH in the mix, or drop it for a while ? Please don't flame me too hard, I am far from new to all this and this life - But I don't know what I don't know and I am seeking help.

Thank You guys in advance
I wore them out but when they worked for me the best for overall recovery and a sort of anti-aging function was GHRP2 coupled with CjC1295 DAC. If you can get real IGF-1 LR3 that is great stuff for short stints like a month and then a month between. BPC and tb500 are money for injury recovery and mt2 is great for tanning in the summer or during the winter to keep a bit of base. Other than that the range of them mostly are useless to very marginal. I don't think peptides are anything that are going to put size on anyone a any dose. The ones that did something for me, GHRP2 and CJC DAC were recovery aids. They may have helped along gains from AAS a few extra % but tht's about it. The most dramatic is IGF-1 LR3 but only about every 7th purchase has any real activity. But once you hit the right provider and batch it will shred you and ill you in like nothing else. But it goes away fast and only works for a little while like 4-6 weeks tops. i don't bother much with them anymore. i just keep a low dose of GH in 3/4 of the time enought o raise my IGF-1 level to top of the normal range for my age. Higher than that and side effects come in.

sicne you are a grappler like I was you're better off keeping the AAS down to 30 mg total or less and using the peptides like outlined or GH. The idea for grappling is to gain some amount of strength, recover better and faster and stay lean or get lean around competitions. Push mass so you are lean at your competition weight class and you are golden. mine was 86 kg. I walked around about like you at 210 and cut to 189 for comp.
Hey brother, thanks for the advice. My comp days are behind me now: I just help instruct now. But yes, you have it pegged: I would compete around 195 ish.
Now that those days are behind me, thats why I decided to finally try and get that last 10lbs Ive always wanted. Lean I mean, lol. We've all hit our goal weight before when it doesn't matter, lmao. I thought the peps would help get me their and leaner than running a big AAS cycle: Which I am not too keen on these days. Not a harsh one anyway.
When I did that I went up to 230 and then cut whilst still putting on size. I peaked at a very lean 217. That was pretty much my peak. I didn't like 230 very much. it was heavy for me. I did it by cycling 8 on 3 off 8 on 3 off 8 on. the first one was bulk with Test/NPP/EQ, the second was cut with high protein Test/Mast/Win, the third was pretty much cruising on Test and parabolin. Now I'm in my 60s and pretty much stay between 195 and 205. the weight doesn't move much but the composition changes. 90% of it is diet at this point.

The most dramatic change and look was shockingly low dose stuff. 200 test C, 40 mg Anavar a day and 50 micrograms LR3/d
Yea idk how much help you'll get outlining a peptide stack with what you mentioned. Don't see much talk or interest in the gh secretagogues.

I've tried peptide runs but u have to pin multiple times a day and time them it's a little excessive imo for what it does which gh spikes, which with your sides from hgh, sounds like a better way to get gh igf up but I don't think you'll find the perfect protocol.

Datbtrue was very knowledgeable and had lots of content about peptides
Yeah, I hear you. Just looking for any help and applicable information from anyone who has tried different stacks. Pinning mult times is not much of a prob for me. I dont mind it at all and have a lot of privacy.
Is there any thing I failed to mention or left out ?

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