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How to use HCG for sperm volume and test (several months no cycle)

Quick update: I should get my bloodwork (pre-Tripto / Clomid/ Nolva) within two days, it took forever (there was a non-working day which delayed the analysis).

Meanwhile I already did the 50mcg Tripto + Clomid 50 + Nolva 40 for 5 days.

Otherwise I don't see much of a difference so far, balls are similar size (maybe slightly bigger) and ejaculate is of the same volume.

I will have my blood work the same day as my second shot of Tripto (and lower clomid to 25mg - however i only have 50mg gelulles so I will take EOD - Nolva 20mg).

I will stay two more week after my 2nd tripto shot and check if i see any difference. If I don't, how would you recommend me to use the HCG?
I have received my blood work today (pre-Tripto / Clomid / Nolva) so basically doing nothing:

Blood test taken on June 16th, 2016:
• Testosterone, LH, FSH​
○ FSH: 1.3 - normal range (0.95 - 11.95 mIU/ml)
○ LH: 3.1 - normal range (0.57 - 12.067mIU/ml)
○ Test: 21.28 - normal ranger (4.94 - 32.01 nmol/L)
○ Estradiol E2: 22.0 - normal range (11 - 44 pg/mLj
• Cholesterol​
○ Total Cholesterol: 3.66 - normal range (2.80 - 5.85 nmol/L)
○ Triglyceride: 0.86 - normal range (0.40 - 1.81 nmol/L)
○ HDL: 1.15 - normal range (1.07 - 1.90 nmol/L)
○ LDL: 2.3 - normal range (1.3 - 3.6 nmol/L)


Blood test taken on April 1st, 2016:
○ Testosterone, LH, FSH​
○ FSH: 1.2 (flagged low) - normal range (1.5 - 12.4 mIU/ml) +0.1
○ LH: 2.6 (on the lower end but no flag) - normal range (1.7 - 8.6 mIU/ml) + 0.6
○ Test: 5.54 (on the lower end but no flag) - normal ranger (4.94 - 32.01 nmol/L) +15.74
○ Cholesterol​
○ Total Cholesterol: 6.24 (flagged up) - normal range (2.80 - 5.85 nmol/L)
○ Triglyceride: 0.70 - normal range (0.40 - 1.81 nmol/L)
○ HDL: 0.79 (flagged down) - normal range (1.07 - 1.90 nmol/L)
○ LDL: 5.3 (flagged up) - normal range (1.3 - 3.6 nmol/L)

My testosterone level is decent, LH is well within the range (while a bit on downside), but weirdly FSH is not flagged down as the "reference range" has changed since April and June. (I was 1.2, now 1.3 on June 16th), but looking online it seems that the bottom range is 1.5 or 1.6. So I am still below in terms of FSH.

Again, this June 16th blood test was taken before the trial to recover (no tripto, clomid nor nolva).

Now I am entering D7 of my recovery plan:
D1: 50mcg Tripto + Clomid 50 + Nolva 40
D7: 50mcg Tripto
D7 - D45: Clomid 25 + Nolva 20

First week, I've seen a minor improvement in terms of testies size, but hardly in terms of libido or volume of ejaculate.

I performed the D7 tripto (second) shot just now (which I'm not sure if went IM or SubQ). I am a bit skeptical on the purity of my Tripto so I shot 70mg instead of 50 mg. I will go until D45 with Nolva 20 + Clomid 25 (50 EOD as i can't split the gel)

@Swifto and others, if after this my blood work shows no sign of significant FSH elevation, should I move to HMG shot? What would be a sensible dosage for my situation?

I understand that HCG is mostly LH focused, therefore may negatively impact FSH (which I'd like to focus on)
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Sorry for trying to move this thread to the top but any insight would be welcome.

Anyone had experience with HMG for elevating FSH? Does it also has like HCG a "negative" loop that would cause to only elevate for awhile but then collapse or is there a "sensitive" way to increase FSH and keep LH and Testo to level mentioned above?
I have received my blood work today (pre-Tripto / Clomid / Nolva) so basically doing nothing:

Blood test taken on June 16th, 2016:
• Testosterone, LH, FSH​
○ FSH: 1.3 - normal range (0.95 - 11.95 mIU/ml)
○ LH: 3.1 - normal range (0.57 - 12.067mIU/ml)
○ Test: 21.28 - normal ranger (4.94 - 32.01 nmol/L)
○ Estradiol E2: 22.0 - normal range (11 - 44 pg/mLj
• Cholesterol​
○ Total Cholesterol: 3.66 - normal range (2.80 - 5.85 nmol/L)
○ Triglyceride: 0.86 - normal range (0.40 - 1.81 nmol/L)
○ HDL: 1.15 - normal range (1.07 - 1.90 nmol/L)
○ LDL: 2.3 - normal range (1.3 - 3.6 nmol/L)


Blood test taken on April 1st, 2016:
○ Testosterone, LH, FSH​
○ FSH: 1.2 (flagged low) - normal range (1.5 - 12.4 mIU/ml) +0.1
○ LH: 2.6 (on the lower end but no flag) - normal range (1.7 - 8.6 mIU/ml) + 0.6
○ Test: 5.54 (on the lower end but no flag) - normal ranger (4.94 - 32.01 nmol/L) +15.74
○ Cholesterol​
○ Total Cholesterol: 6.24 (flagged up) - normal range (2.80 - 5.85 nmol/L)
○ Triglyceride: 0.70 - normal range (0.40 - 1.81 nmol/L)
○ HDL: 0.79 (flagged down) - normal range (1.07 - 1.90 nmol/L)
○ LDL: 5.3 (flagged up) - normal range (1.3 - 3.6 nmol/L)

My testosterone level is decent, LH is well within the range (while a bit on downside), but weirdly FSH is not flagged down as the "reference range" has changed since April and June. (I was 1.2, now 1.3 on June 16th), but looking online it seems that the bottom range is 1.5 or 1.6. So I am still below in terms of FSH.

Again, this June 16th blood test was taken before the trial to recover (no tripto, clomid nor nolva).

Now I am entering D7 of my recovery plan:
D1: 50mcg Tripto + Clomid 50 + Nolva 40
D7: 50mcg Tripto
D7 - D45: Clomid 25 + Nolva 20

First week, I've seen a minor improvement in terms of testies size, but hardly in terms of libido or volume of ejaculate.

I performed the D7 tripto (second) shot just now (which I'm not sure if went IM or SubQ). I am a bit skeptical on the purity of my Tripto so I shot 70mg instead of 50 mg. I will go until D45 with Nolva 20 + Clomid 25 (50 EOD as i can't split the gel)

@Swifto and others, if after this my blood work shows no sign of significant FSH elevation, should I move to HMG shot? What would be a sensible dosage for my situation?

I understand that HCG is mostly LH focused, therefore may negatively impact FSH (which I'd like to focus on)

Triptorelin (if its legit) will boost LH and FSH levels. So will the SERMS.

Your Test is good at that level.

The testicle size should come with time and I wouldn't be inclined to use HCG as Test is medium/high and LH/FSH not that bad.

What improvement did you make to your diet, supplement regimen to improve cholesterol?

Have you had a thyroid test?
i had a thyroid test on April 1st (but not on June)
○ Thyroid
○ T3: 1.09 - normal range (0.92- 2.69 mIU/ml)
○ T4: 59 - normal range (58.18 - 149.60 mIU/ml)
○ TSH: 1.38 - normal ranger (0.55 - 4.78 mIU/ml)

I that time i went out a SARM + low dose T3. Which I think messed up my cholesterol.

I also added some EPA/DHA and Beta Sisterol

That is the thing, I think that the Tripto should be legit but I am not sure to what extent (potency) I tried other drugs from this supplier with satisfying results but nothing to compare with really (in terms of brands).

You are mentioning HCG being not adequate, which I also think that way. But I am not family with HMG (the one to elevate FSH, not LH), any idea?
i had a thyroid test on April 1st (but not on June)
○ Thyroid
○ T3: 1.09 - normal range (0.92- 2.69 mIU/ml)
○ T4: 59 - normal range (58.18 - 149.60 mIU/ml)
○ TSH: 1.38 - normal ranger (0.55 - 4.78 mIU/ml)

I that time i went out a SARM + low dose T3. Which I think messed up my cholesterol.

I also added some EPA/DHA and Beta Sisterol

That is the thing, I think that the Tripto should be legit but I am not sure to what extent (potency) I tried other drugs from this supplier with satisfying results but nothing to compare with really (in terms of brands).

You are mentioning HCG being not adequate, which I also think that way. But I am not family with HMG (the one to elevate FSH, not LH), any idea?

HCG and HMG mimic LH and/or FSH, then don't raise it.

Trip and SERMS raise it.

To reply to your PM's here, stop using suppressive androgens until you have recovered correctly, or jump on HRT and stop trying to restart endogenous Test.

You're levels aren't bad, all this takes time and it might be more than 1 PCT that brings you back to where you want to be.

Without baseline values, you have no idea what LH and FSH were previously, you may have already recovered.
Just a quick update:

Blood test taken on July 18, 2016 after the "PCT" cycle mentioned in previous post
• Testosterone, LH, FSH
• FSH: 3.6 - normal range (0.95 - 11.95 mIU/ml)
• LH: 11.7 - normal range (0.57 - 12.067mIU/ml)
• Test: 50.98 - normal ranger (4.94 - 32.01 nmol/L)

Very happy with numbers, except FSH which is still lagging. On another side, I didn't experience much difference in volume of sperm or testicular size which may point out that I have somehow been like this "naturally" and maybe not much i can do to improve it.
Just a quick update:

Blood test taken on July 18, 2016 after the "PCT" cycle mentioned in previous post
• Testosterone, LH, FSH
• FSH: 3.6 - normal range (0.95 - 11.95 mIU/ml)
• LH: 11.7 - normal range (0.57 - 12.067mIU/ml)
• Test: 50.98 - normal ranger (4.94 - 32.01 nmol/L)

Very happy with numbers, except FSH which is still lagging. On another side, I didn't experience much difference in volume of sperm or testicular size which may point out that I have somehow been like this "naturally" and maybe not much i can do to improve it.

How long after PCT drugs as blood drawn?

Looks good to me, need to let endogenous hormones normalise now, I'm sure FSH will climb over time.

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