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HRT(Cream vs. Injections vs. Gel) Input Please


New member
May 26, 2011
Ok I recently was diagnosed with Low testosterone. My free Test was only a 210 which by my understanding is really bad and really low. I have had side effects such as Low quality of sleep, Depression, Lack of energy and weight gain. My doctor wants to get my number between 650 and 700. He has prescribed me a cream HRT. I am not sure was the dosage is or brand because the Pharmacy wont have it ready for a couple days and the doctors office called it in. I was just wondering if anyone has used the cream type rather than injections or oral or gel patches and if so if any one works better than the other. My doctor told me that the Cream works best because I will keep my testosterone steadily high instead of getting injections where it will peak and then slowly deminish until my next dose.

I also would like to know, I have lost 135lbs in the last seven months and I been working really hard at it basicly changed my whole lifestyle but I have had a really hard time keeping my energy up and staying motivated. Will getting my test up to the 650-700 range make it easier for me to lose weight and give me the energy and stuff I feel like I am lacking. Has anyone else experienced this first hand and how much did it help you? I just hope im not getting my hopes up for something that is not going to make a big difference.
Ive used the troches cream and gel they all work but now i get the inj because ins didnt cover the others and now i pay 10$ for 10ml of test cyp
i prefer inj. one inj. every 7 days beats putting the cream on everyday imo..
Your doctor obviously isn't up to par with current TRT. Which thats not uncommon for most PCP to address this approach or concept of addressing TRT.

I've been on androgel in the past and personally didn't care for it several weeks after starting, from my research transdermal androgens have a higher affinity to convert to Estrodiol/estrogen. There was a study done from the world leading Endocrinologist, Malcolm Carruthers showing that androgel converts to estrogen/estrodiol in a vast majority of patients on transdermal androgens. Obviously this isn't good "if " the prescribing doctor doesn't monitor E2 levels and prescribe an AI. Next androgel converts to DHT higher than injection cyp or Eth, if this goes unchecked ( which some PCP ) will overlook can lead to prostate problems, which they probably will diagnosis as BPH, which more than likely was caused by elevated E2 and high circulating DHT.

Your Free Testosterone numbers you posted is an era I believe, Your Total Testosterone is 210, a FT that high one could assume your TT would be in the Thousands.

Regardless theres more to just one number, other hormones and cholesterol play a major roll in ones level of testosterone. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can have a major impact on your hormone balance.

If I was to suggest on what approach one should take it would be injections twice a week

Again there's more to it than just One number.
so basically don't think the creams in a good then it's going to cost me 70 dollars to get in for that price I can get myself 1000 milligrams of test e and do injections myself. he didn't tell me though that there is something in the cream that keeps it from converting to estrogen. he did tell me that he ran my estrogen panels to and everything looks alright there. I guess I will have to find a different doctor or go back and discuss this more with him all I know is I wanna get this started so I can get to feeling better and get my energy back
I would only imagine your doctor went beyond testing T and E, a low T number such as yours really isn't that low if its off of quest diagnostic lab, I believe the ranges are 250-1100? I believe.
So yours at 210 , assuming this is a one time blood draw? Could be caused by many factors, diet, timing of test, stress, lack of sleep the list goes on.. Now if this was a second or third blood draw and you continued to show low TT. I would be concerned about looking into TRT.

Do you know if Your thyroid was checked, vitamin and mineral panel, cortisol, again more test to see if there's an underlying cause in relation to low T levels.

How old are You?
Any past medical issues?
yes this was my second blood draw in a 2 month. he did check my thyroid and my vitamins and all that too. he said the only other concern was my d 3 was low so he gave me a supplement to help raise that up. here is exactly what he gave me 4 the prescription- test/DHEA/CHRY/SN cream- test 125/D 75/SN2%/CHRIS 5%. I know I need to further discuss with my doctor because I did not speak directly to him he did the test and then had his nurse call me with the perscription and stuff and she said for me to go ahead and start using it and then I will be back in to see him for my monthly visit in 2 weeks.

I just know that I felt like I had no energy to do anything and like I was only if this thing I was kind of depressed and stuff and I guess these are big indicators of low test? although I have had no problems as far as sex drive or erectile dysfunction or anything of that nature. I Am 24 and 6-1 I weigh 315 down from 460 out so if that means anything.
oh and no I have not had any other medical issues. well besides my back to have for bulging disc and some problems with my lower back but that is just from doing the type of work that I do and being such a heavy guy.
Well first off Good job on the weight loss, I'm sure you feel better, but Sounds As your not 100%.

So Your on a compounded cream, I'm not a big fan of chrysin to control E2 (estrodiol),
I feel you would benefit with an actual AI (aromatase inhibitor ) over chrysin, to control elevated E.

This would be my suggestion if you start to feel as if Your feeling better on the compounded cream and continue to, stay with it.

If you find that this Just isn't working, ask to redo blood work and switch to low dose injection 75-100mg weekly in divided dose, with a pharmaceutical AI (if needed ).

If your vitamin D levels were low and your supplementing with D³, this in itself should help bring your endogenous test levels up along with other hormone stablization.

Hope you find normal soon:)
yeah I hope I start feeling better soon to thank you for the info though I really appreciate it. you wouldn't by chance happen to know how long it takes to start feeling the effects of this would you?
I use all, ijetion is the best and cheaper and you need hcg 400mg per week
Its TRT Not a cycle, HCG is preferred but not necessary
I use all, ijetion is the best and cheaper and you need hcg 400mg per week
Well if you don't have absorption issues, You should start feeling a little more energy, motivation, interest in things you once had, if all other hormones are functioning properly, I'd say within a few days of starting, something to keep in mind try to avoid touching others mainly children and females after you apply your cream, also apply to areas of skin that are thin, ie;forearms, underarms, inside of inner thigh,generally these are areas that have the least amount of hair follicles.
yeah I hope I start feeling better soon to thank you for the info though I really appreciate it. you wouldn't by chance happen to know how long it takes to start feeling the effects of this would you?
Well first off Good job on the weight loss, I'm sure you feel better, but Sounds As your not 100%.

So Your on a compounded cream, I'm not a big fan of chrysin to control E2 (estrodiol),
I feel you would benefit with an actual AI (aromatase inhibitor ) over chrysin, to control elevated E.

This would be my suggestion if you start to feel as if Your feeling better on the compounded cream and continue to, stay with it.

If you find that this Just isn't working, ask to redo blood work and switch to low dose injection 75-100mg weekly in divided dose, with a pharmaceutical AI (if needed ).

If your vitamin D levels were low and your supplementing with D³, this in itself should help bring your endogenous test levels up along with other hormone stablization.

Hope you find normal soon:)

:yeahthat: Stewie gave you some good input.

For HRT, Androgel and Testim work well for most people. I absorb them well and get to total test levels of 1200 and higher on the standard doses. Testim smells, but some women like it.

At Stewie noted, there is higher dht conversion and less aromatization than with IM test cyp. Right now I'm on IM cyp at somewhat higher doses.

I think you should switch physicians. Chrysin is ridiculous.

You want Testim + arimidex (tailored to keep E2 around 25), or test cyp + arimidex. Make sure you use hcg 250 iu 3x per week for nut preservation.
I think you should switch physicians. Chrysin is ridiculous.

You want Testim + arimidex (tailored to keep E2 around 25), or test cyp + arimidex. Make sure you use hcg 250 iu 3x per week for nut preservation.

Agreed, these self proclaimed nutritionist turned Hormone Specialist that use Chrysin and other sterol plant based supplements in a TRT protocol need to have their heads examined. It didn't work in the 80's and 90's, sure ain't gonna work today either.

Good point on HCG and TRT combo.
Agreed, these self proclaimed nutritionist turned Hormone Specialist that use Chrysin and other sterol plant based supplements in a TRT protocol need to have their heads examined. It didn't work in the 80's and 90's, sure ain't gonna work today either.

Good point on HCG and TRT combo.

I use a combo of injections 200mg 2x week and cream 25mg 1x daily. The idea is that the cream keeps my levels more stable over the week. I also use 250iu HCG 2x week, and Aromasin as needed.

My cream has Chrysin in it. Should I have the compounding parmacy leave it out next time?
Well I'm not an expert on transdermal adhesion and I've not seen any true medical studies showing that chrysin is effective at lowering E2, there may be an effect on lowering total estrogen as whole? Again I've never seen studies to support this. And I believe this is where the misconceptions fall into place, there are certain foods such as broccoli that aid in this affect, So to say chrysin is of equal to a pharmaceutical AI is totally wrong on behalf of the prescriber.

I would only think on the dose you mentioned Your T levels should carry you above 1200? With the use of HCG and aromasin, both raising TT also the HCG raising E, along with the test cream creating aromatase.

If this is doctor prescribed, I'd ask your physician to explain to why and what benefits the cream mixture is on top of injection and an AI?

Otherwise continue use, I don't want to take from your doctors recommendations.

I use a combo of injections 200mg 2x week and cream 25mg 1x daily. The idea is that the cream keeps my levels more stable over the week. I also use 250iu HCG 2x week, and Aromasin as needed.

My cream has Chrysin in it. Should I have the compounding parmacy leave it out next time?
Did I read that correctly, your injecting 200mg twice a week. Funny what some people consider TRT.
choice is not so clear-cut

I use test cyp, but I can tell you I have way more estrogen problems on cyp vs. Testim, without better blood TT levels.

300mg cyp plus 1mg arimidex per day put my TT at 1450 with E2 basically double top-end normal.

1.5 tubes of Testim plus .5mg arimidex (half-dose) put my TT at 1250+ with E2 at 20.

Heavy dht conversion in skin is a big part of difference. If you are estro sensitive, this is an argument for transdermal. If you have problems with dht (hair loss, prostate), then cyp may be better.

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