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The Bare Bones Anti-Aging, Get Back in Shape, and Lose Fat Plan


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Jan 11, 2009
Good Afternoon,

Wanted to share my plan for comments, suggestions, etc. My goal is to drop body fat, improve fitness, improve skin, improve sleep, and basically be able to wear a Suit without looking like an Eastern European, Mob hitman. I'm am not interested in Physique sport; rather, I am more interested in being able to hike mountainous terrain without needing a months rest after each outing. I'm about 300#, 38% fat, 5'11'', good athletic history (key word 'history'). I'm also on Endocrinologist prescribed TRT (American Test Cyp from CVS), and I've decided to compromise on the HGH idea and run peptides. Along with athletically aligned training and sound diet, here is what I'm doing. Wondering if anyone has done something similar.

200mg Test C every 7 days (the script is for 100mg per week but I have a stockpile).
200mcg Ipamorelin and 200 mcg Mod GRF 1-29 (CJC no DAC) before bed on empty stomach and pre workout (at least 1 hour after eating).

I've seen countless different ratio's out there but it does seem like some of the anti-aging clinics stick to an equal measure of both peptides.

My experience with Test C, based on blood work, is that 100mg per week gets me to high-normal; 200mg, the times I pulled blood 2 days post injection had me over high normal. 200mg feels good. No sides, no real need to any ancillaries etc.

Please let me know if you guys have any suggestions on this.

Good Afternoon,

Wanted to share my plan for comments, suggestions, etc. My goal is to drop body fat, improve fitness, improve skin, improve sleep, and basically be able to wear a Suit without looking like an Eastern European, Mob hitman. I'm am not interested in Physique sport; rather, I am more interested in being able to hike mountainous terrain without needing a months rest after each outing. I'm about 300#, 38% fat, 5'11'', good athletic history (key word 'history'). I'm also on Endocrinologist prescribed TRT (American Test Cyp from CVS), and I've decided to compromise on the HGH idea and run peptides. Along with athletically aligned training and sound diet, here is what I'm doing. Wondering if anyone has done something similar.

200mg Test C every 7 days (the script is for 100mg per week but I have a stockpile).
200mcg Ipamorelin and 200 mcg Mod GRF 1-29 (CJC no DAC) before bed on empty stomach and pre workout (at least 1 hour after eating).

I've seen countless different ratio's out there but it does seem like some of the anti-aging clinics stick to an equal measure of both peptides.

My experience with Test C, based on blood work, is that 100mg per week gets me to high-normal; 200mg, the times I pulled blood 2 days post injection had me over high normal. 200mg feels good. No sides, no real need to any ancillaries etc.

Please let me know if you guys have any suggestions on this.

Plan looks good to its all about execution.

As it goes with any weight/fat loss plan your biggest element is diet. Your diet, for most, plays more of a role when losing BF than exercise/strength training.....and at 300lbs you should be able to shed fairly quick(I mean no offense). The more you lose the harder it will be lose. Do not get discouraged.....stay disciplined....your hard will always pay off. Do you have a training schedule plan?
I would think bare bones for being in shape and anti-aging would be eat healthy, workout and rest sufficiently. T levels over the top of the range have never been shown to add more years to ones life. Same with high HGH levels. Animal studies seem to point at those that have the highest levels of HGH have shorter life spans then those that have lower levels. That said i keep my T and HGH levels high but i do it to look and feel better now. Not for anti aging purposes as i haven't seen where those things add to a longer life.
Plan looks good to its all about execution.

As it goes with any weight/fat loss plan your biggest element is diet. Your diet, for most, plays more of a role when losing BF than exercise/strength training.....and at 300lbs you should be able to shed fairly quick(I mean no offense). The more you lose the harder it will be lose. Do not get discouraged.....stay disciplined....your hard will always pay off. Do you have a training schedule plan?
No offense taken. That's the good thing about being overweight, if there is a silver lining at all - the weight comes off quick in the beginning.
I would think bare bones for being in shape and anti-aging would be eat healthy, workout and rest sufficiently. T levels over the top of the range have never been shown to add more years to ones life. Same with high HGH levels. Animal studies seem to point at those that have the highest levels of HGH have shorter life spans then those that have lower levels. That said i keep my T and HGH levels high but i do it to look and feel better now. Not for anti aging purposes as i haven't seen where those things add to a longer life.
My goal wouldn't be 'over the top' on the hormone levels. I just highlighted the potential of 200mg T because often times people have the misguided belief that one generally needs 3 times that amount to make a difference. I agree that less is definitely more. The bare bones for me has to include the T, at least, because without it my levels are zero, which is far worse for health than being a little too high. You make a good point on the HGH, which is why I elected for a 'more natural' path of using Peptides to maximize my own output, rather than introducing synthetic GH. I too would be concerned with the potential problems with chronically high IGF-1 levels at my age and family history. As tempting as it was to just use GH, I elected not to. Thanks
My goal wouldn't be 'over the top' on the hormone levels. I just highlighted the potential of 200mg T because often times people have the misguided belief that one generally needs 3 times that amount to make a difference. I agree that less is definitely more. The bare bones for me has to include the T, at least, because without it my levels are zero, which is far worse for health than being a little too high. You make a good point on the HGH, which is why I elected for a 'more natural' path of using Peptides to maximize my own output, rather than introducing synthetic GH. I too would be concerned with the potential problems with chronically high IGF-1 levels at my age and family history. As tempting as it was to just use GH, I elected not to. Thanks
When i talk of high levels of I-gf1 i was talking about high normal levels. Low levels actually seem to be connected to longer life span from some animal studies that David Sinclair has quoted. But whether the same applies to people is still up in the air. I would guess that high normal is not optimal for I-gf1. In general i figure unless something has some good data showing it works i assume it doesn't. Micro dosing 100mg/week daily leaves me in the low 800 range. These days i am micro dosing 140 T and 70 mg Primo per week which many would say is a waste. But i am getting more comments then usual. And usually do at those doses. Had a guy bump into me in the grocery store yesterday and he started calling me buff man repeatedly as he apologized.
What does the Primo do for you in that mix? Are you just trying to move the ratio more anabolic? I only ask because I have considered primo in the past but it always struck me as an expensive approach to the same end.

100mg of Test is actually not a Micro dose, at least according to my Endocrinologist. Outside of Anti-Aging clinics, 100mg is about the most a legit Endocrinologist will prescribe barring some extenuating circumstance (at least that is what I've been told). LIke you, I'm typically 'high normal' on 100mg.

For the HGH piece, I elected the GHRH without DAC to avoid the potentially chronically elevated levels. I'm not looking to grow another Leg; I just want to tighten up the skin, sleep better, recover better, and maybe drop a little extra visceral fat.
Welcome to ProMuscle! Have a bit of a different perspective than most here most likely will.

Test 200 + 300EQ

There is direct correlation between higher body fat levels and aromatization. Not a dig in the slightest just want you to be successful and have a happy amazing long life ahead of you.

I would go the bodybuilding route to build your base work capacity up over the next 12 weeks then add in some metabolic conditioning. Look into 8-12 week training cycles - the training not the gear portion. Each focusing on a different physiological adaptation. From my experience you will adapt physiologically and neurologically much faster than just pounding away at traditional training methodologies.

Beyond happy to hear that you are making a change for the better and wish you the absolute best mate!
Welcome to ProMuscle! Have a bit of a different perspective than most here most likely will.

Test 200 + 300EQ

There is direct correlation between higher body fat levels and aromatization. Not a dig in the slightest just want you to be successful and have a happy amazing long life ahead of you.

I would go the bodybuilding route to build your base work capacity up over the next 12 weeks then add in some metabolic conditioning. Look into 8-12 week training cycles - the training not the gear portion. Each focusing on a different physiological adaptation. From my experience you will adapt physiologically and neurologically much faster than just pounding away at traditional training methodologies.

Beyond happy to hear that you are making a change for the better and wish you the absolute best mate!

Welcome to ProMuscle! Have a bit of a different perspective than most here most likely will.

Test 200 + 300EQ

There is direct correlation between higher body fat levels and aromatization. Not a dig in the slightest just want you to be successful and have a happy amazing long life ahead of you.

I would go the bodybuilding route to build your base work capacity up over the next 12 weeks then add in some metabolic conditioning. Look into 8-12 week training cycles - the training not the gear portion. Each focusing on a different physiological adaptation. From my experience you will adapt physiologically and neurologically much faster than just pounding away at traditional training methodologies.

Beyond happy to hear that you are making a change for the better and wish you the absolute best mate!
Agreed re: different adaptations. Nothing stalls progress faster than just doing the same old split month in and month out. My philosophy is that when it's really uncomfortable, you're making progress.

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