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What's your Kryptonite?

I didn't read it as mistreatment, though also valid, but more crazy ups/downs and him being in it.

Either way, you are right, we've all been there. Fuck that. I'm happy to help and support someone but if it's a crazy ride all the time for first world problems... they ride alone.
Facts. I love it!! Good post. Love it!!
I didn't read it as mistreatment, though also valid, but more crazy ups/downs and him being in it.

Either way, you are right, we've all been there. Fuck that. I'm happy to help and support someone but if it's a crazy ride all the time for first world problems... they ride alone.
Thanks brother! It’s time to start a new year fresh!
Stress ruins me. Its ruined me! My gf’s ups and downs fucks my mind and I just completely shut down. I went to see her today to give her, her xmas present and I dont know what I said and she completely changed and ruined my day. Shes my kryptonite. But this has to end.

Is she bipolar? Dealing with something similar...
What knocks you off course? kills your diet, gains, etc.?

For me, it used to be booze 100%. Got that under control now it's chocolate... eat none, I'm ok but if I eat one, I'll eat 5, 8, 10...
That and tobacco, down to just 3-4 a day but still just get the urge now and then to have one.
Has to be diet soda for me. I know that doesn't sound like a big vice but it's my one true vice in that I can't completely stop drinking. There's a few foods that border on that list but if it's something unhealthy or goes against my goals, I can usually control myself pretty well and abstain. With diet soda, I try to cut it out of my diet but since it's zero cal and I'm not overly concerned with artificial sweeteners, I often cave and justify having a can or two a few nights a week.
Has to be diet soda for me. I know that doesn't sound like a big vice but it's my one true vice in that I can't completely stop drinking. There's a few foods that border on that list but if it's something unhealthy or goes against my goals, I can usually control myself pretty well and abstain. With diet soda, I try to cut it out of my diet but since it's zero cal and I'm not overly concerned with artificial sweeteners, I often cave and justify having a can or two a few nights a week.

This. One thing I did due for my Coke Zero addiction was switch to caffeine free coke zero. I'm easily putting down a case per week.
She acts like it. I Havent spoken to her since that post. Her pride takes over. Fuck her.

Yeah, you have more self control (or lets be honest self respect) than me.

My gf is diagnosed bipolar. Super frustrating when she switches on a dime and is a total asshole in response to the smallest thing I did "wrong". Then too proud to apologize 90% of the time.

I dont know, maybe it would be worth mentioning the possibility of her being bipolar if you speak agian.
Yeah, you have more self control (or lets be honest self respect) than me.

My gf is diagnosed bipolar. Super frustrating when she switches on a dime and is a total asshole in response to the smallest thing I did "wrong". Then too proud to apologize 90% of the time.

I dont know, maybe it would be worth mentioning the possibility of her being bipolar if you speak agian.
I always fall for her when she reaches out because I fell in love. But its not a healthy relationship. Im always patient but this time she ruined it. I can only take to much. We are good guys and thats when they take advantage and it’s definitely hard to realize it. If I ask her if she’s bipolar itll start a war. Its a shame this happened on the holidays but it maybe has a reason.
Normal stuff.... Snacks later in the day because I'm bored or want to eat myself to sleep or am watching TV with my wife. Diet otherwise is 100% spot on. My hunger is zero in the morning and during the day. Just eat lots of protein.

Not normal... I'm a drug addict (recovering). Most of the time, I'm not using. But there have been a few times in my life where I will lose my sense, pick up, and be gone for anywhere from 3 to 9 months on a bender. Just completely shit everything away.
That's a massive bender. Here I was thinking 3 days benders were insane.
Maybe bender wasn't the right word. But perhaps that's what separates regular people from addicts.
What knocks you off course? kills your diet, gains, etc.?

For me, it used to be booze 100%. Got that under control now it's chocolate... eat none, I'm ok but if I eat one, I'll eat 5, 8, 10...
That and tobacco, down to just 3-4 a day but still just get the urge now and then to have one.

As far as body composition is concerned: alcohol and late night eating. Often comes hand in hand. Late night eating might be OK if you're bulking but alcohol is a negative.

Anecdotally, sumo wrestlers include beer and pre-sleep meals in their pro-fattening diets.
I always fall for her when she reaches out because I fell in love. But its not a healthy relationship. Im always patient but this time she ruined it. I can only take to much. We are good guys and thats when they take advantage and it’s definitely hard to realize it. If I ask her if she’s bipolar itll start a war. Its a shame this happened on the holidays but it maybe has a reason.

I feel ya. And I struggle going back and forth thinking okay it's her bipolar its not her/her fault then I also start thinking what kind of pussy am I to let someone treat me like this... Then one good day and I'm smitten again. So I get it.

Regardless, hope it works out.
I feel ya. And I struggle going back and forth thinking okay it's her bipolar its not her/her fault then I also start thinking what kind of pussy am I to let someone treat me like this... Then one good day and I'm smitten again. So I get it.

Regardless, hope it works out.
Its not that you’re a pussy, its that we are in love and blinded by it. Last night I texted her merry Christmas and she said Christmas is over, I said its still Christmas. There is no winning ever! A broken heart hurts and lasts but if we are strong enough we can get past it. I say this now but fall again but im trying to not go back to that shit. My bday is in January and most likely she’ll reach out and if I give in itll be a roller coaster all over again. I cant say NO but she can. Its fucked i know!
Its not that you’re a pussy, its that we are in love and blinded by it. Last night I texted her merry Christmas and she said Christmas is over, I said its still Christmas. There is no winning ever! A broken heart hurts and lasts but if we are strong enough we can get past it. I say this now but fall again but im trying to not go back to that shit. My bday is in January and most likely she’ll reach out and if I give in itll be a roller coaster all over again. I cant say NO but she can. Its fucked i know!

Sounds like someone is narrating my life lol. I get it man.
I feel ya. And I struggle going back and forth thinking okay it's her bipolar its not her/her fault then I also start thinking what kind of pussy am I to let someone treat me like this... Then one good day and I'm smitten again. So I get it.

Regardless, hope it works out.
She broke it off today. Told me I didnt care enough. That writing to her merry xmas at 10 at night was an insult. Basically said she wasnt in love it was she was just blinded. She hits hard with words. In the end it doesn’t hurt me because she fucked up and broke it off. I was there through thick and thin. Next week I start to better myself in and out! Fuck her!

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