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So sick of this - HERE'S THE TRUTH!

pesty are you too young to have ever seen Jungle Pam?


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pesty are you too young to have ever seen Jungle Pam?

Funny the face the boy in the front in the picture is making. He looks quite happy and excited! I wonder why? Wow! Never heard of her.

Good one here too:


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My first thought was wow what a nice rack. My second thought was I wonder how big her bush is? :confused:

Too big.

I remember taking back a stunning girl in Dublin years ago. Really pretty and nicely dressed and I take her clothes off and I see the biggest bush you will ever see. I am not selfish so I thought please her but I definitely suffered that night... kept my eyes closed and hoped for the best :eek::D
Too big.

I remember taking back a stunning girl in Dublin years ago. Really pretty and nicely dressed and I take her clothes off and I see the biggest bush you will ever see. I am not selfish so I thought please her but I definitely suffered that night... kept my eyes closed and hoped for the best :eek::D

Bush is BACK baby!!!!! Cant stand that shaved bald - :D


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Jungle Pam had that look that made you want to do an extra 5 or 6 sets of dead lifts at the end of your work out so you knew you wouldn't wear out easy.


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she had to be a hell of an inspiration... and comfort when things didn't go as planned.


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I am really good friends with a ifbb pro that has even won competitions in the past 5 years. Now what amazes me about this guy which I'm sure most would know for his very very arrogant cockiness is his lack of intelligence to what he's putting in his body and using. Sometimes his gear was really good in the past and sometimes underdoaed. So he always always took crazy high doses in the past. Now I "help" him out a lot and his doses are lower but what amazes me is you would think as a pro and that's your career you would do your homework with what your putting in your body and make sure it's quality. But nope he just took whatever his "friend" at the time gave him. Point is im just amazed at the sheer lazyiness of some people. I've always done my homework and learned a lot of lessons along the way. I'm just amazed at how some dudes even make it. GENETICS really are a massive role in what separates them from us regular gym ethuasistts. But they definetly do take large doses especially come competition time

I've found the same thing. The one pro that I spent a lot of time with over the years would just take as much as he could afford. No planning, no idea about mixing compounds, he'd just literally load up a bunch of syringes and start shooting.
First time I was around him doing this, I asked, "how much ya take a week." He responded, I don't know, just some of this and a few of those amps over there. Didn't have any idea...
And then we got into an argument about Sten being water based, lol
He was like, "you like that water based Sten don't you?"
I explained it wasn't water based just in thin oil, he thought I was crazy...
It's about genetics not intelligence...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bump since I’m seeing a lot of questions lately that this thread addresses.
This site was always set up as an advanced site, where you can find TRUTHFUL information about bodybuilding, not bulshit and ideology promoted by people who generally have agendas.

This is the truth:

If your diet, training, health and rest are completely up to scratch, the more steroids you take, the bigger you will get. It's as simple as that.

Pros have got their diet, training (health for the most part) and rest up to a standard that works for them perfectly, but they are only the size they are due to the drugs they take. Don't beleive the crap from anyone, that they are not, even from the 'in the know' people that are on this board. Those very same people for the most part have used/use extremely higher dosages than what they preach. Why do they preach the low dosages? - various personal agendas.

Reality is that as a rule, 1g per week of test non stop year round is the 'off' time for the pros. Gear is added as it's obtained - no real detailed cycles as such. As long as they take the high dosages of gear, they'll grow (as long as the diet, training, health and sleep is up to scratch as mentioned previously).

Several grams of test per week, several grams of anabolics per week, up to 2g/week of tren, a shit load of orals, insulin several times a day year round, GH as much as can be afforded - 15 to 30IU/day, etc.

BUT, pros have the genetics to have their bodies accept the gear, and generally not get sick on it.

And ancilliary use is huge - liver aids to the max, anti-e's, dht blockers, cardio supps, cholesterol supps, etc.

Still, most of them are complete wrecks. They can't control bodily functions,
they pass out from walking a flight of stairs, they get drenched in sweat from tying their shoelaces. Gyno, baldness, dry skin, gout, excess bodily hair, acne, etc are ALL existant in virtually all of them.

It is not a healthy sport, drug use is ENORMOUS, but to ignore it and to preach otherwise is pathetic and not what this site is about.

BTW, Synthetek's books have on them who's who of current pros ordering Syntherol constantly. They ALL use it extensively. It is pathetic though, when one orders a bottle and their credit card gets declined due to not enough funds. You think a 30+ yo would have his life in order more than that.

Anyway, I'm sick of seeing the bullshit that has been promoted on this site the last few years. This site was originally set up as an uncensored place where you can find the truth about advanced performance enhancing, regardless of consequences. It's getting back to that.

Very well said.
Wow... What a shit show this thread turned into. Lots of truth mixed in with ignorant shit.

I don't hang out or train with any "pro's". But i understand how the world of athletics works, and NOT just in bb.


Both what Big A and Phil were saying are true.... And it comes down to response, genetics and how much of an addict you are (yes, aas are addictive).

While there is no doubt that guys are taking grams on grams and pushing the envelope... Some dudes just don't need to.

Have ANY of you played high level high school or even college football? Because if you did, you would have seen guys completely natty that ate like shit, never lifted for pure size/shape and have physiques that would put all but the elite level pro's to shame. Every Division I football team has dudes like this, and most of you will never look like them no matter how much juice or gh you take.

Give a 21 year old Adrian Peterson 500mg of Test Cyp with 500mg of EQ and watch what happens.

At the end of the day... Take the "pro's" cock out of your mouth and be your own guinea pig with what dosages work for you and can handle. My advice would be to NOT push dosages if you are continuing to make gains on low/mod dosages. Increase as needed.

I'll tell you something else- I myself am a low responder born with great genetics... But i NEVER have made a consistent commitment past 2 straight years with diet and training. Drug abuse (recs), alcoholism, depression and just not giving a fuck about the weight room for years at a time were what would keep me from being anything, not lack of or abuse of drugs.

The pro's and real vets on here.... These dudes have 10-, 15- some 20+ years CONSISTENT of not just the aas, but pushing it in the gym and in the kitchen.

You're talking about dudes that started bb/training in their teens early 20's and never let up.

You don't need a PhD in pharmacology and sports science to figure out your own personal threshold- when the amount of drugs you're taking negatively impacts your ability to train, you know you've gone too far.

And quit playin, damn near all of us do this for the pussy, even if you "love the sport". Unless you're gay, which in that case... You're probably still doing it for sex to some degree.
Ill bump this thread as we all saw Jay cutlers interview and have Big’s point of view.
It's about time.

Though it was obvious, I'm glad somebody finally came out and said it.

This is the part that some people just don't get I think...pro genetics doesn't just include the part about building and holding onto muscle. There are many other factors involved.

Thanks Big A for being honest and straightforward. Respect Bro.
I remember the first time I saw someone with “pro genetics” start using test. This guy went from a 5’-8” 175 pound slight chubby, very average-guy strength, mesomorph to a full-fledged bodybuilder in a year. That guy visibly gained size by the week. He went from having rounded chubby-guy pecs fo having huge Arnold-like pecs. You could put your hand between them vertically and his damn pecs stuck out as far as your hand was wide. He didn’t do one exercise “the right way.” Half shitty squat and his quads blew up. Stupid high-speed calf raises with way too much weight and his calves turned into cows. He’s heaven and swing the bar doing curls so he hardly even bent and invent his elbows. Arms just blew up. We all hated that guy.

He blew up to like 230 pounds, like an off-season old school bodybuilder - think something like Lee Priest used to look like in the OS when he was young - then he dieted down a little, didn’t like the dieting and just quit lifting. Quit the test. Returned back to normal after about 3 months off and not training.

That guy had all the generic potential anyone could dream of. Mentally, he didn’t have the drive. The real bodybuilders in that gym, only about 5 of us, gave that guy zero credit when he first started and was telling us how he was going to pass us up and get ripped and huge. We watched him train and just laughed. Then he started growing like something from some science fiction radiation movie. We knew He was on test and nothing else. And not a lot either. As I’m not much more than what is a high end TRT dosage.

I remember the top power lifter in the gym saying way back then, and this was 1986-87, “some guys are just born for the juice.”

Probably the greatest example of all time of someone “born for the juice” is Kevin Levrone. This guy may have been near his level, except with 10% of Levrone’s drive to succeed.
Genetics play a huge role. Insertions are insertions, shoulder width is shoulder width, waist etc. Can you polish a turd? Perhaps you can with superphysiological doses of gear. :poop:

I've done low dose crap. While I've managed to scrape out 50 pounds of gains, it doesn't look like much. It just makes me want to push a little harder. Maybe try something a bit more potent, because the fear becomes slightly diminished with each crappy little cycle I run. I wanna see that BOOOOOM Transformation, but if I don't respond - I'll just look like a normie that ran some gear. A polished :poop:

Big A has gotta be right. But I also think it's an overall freak factor that allows them to reach these insane levels. I don't think I would look anything like Dorian, Jay, Hunter or any of those dudes if I took what they took.
500T+600EQ (mentioned going up to 1000 test)
9-12iu pharma GH
slin for several years in early 2000s
dbol and anadrol, Anadrol the last couple years he competed
winny and halo the last few weeks before shows.
Parabolan@ 2amps/wk when he still could get them
Fina pellets/Tren but nowhere near the doses of 700mg/wk
Clen 4-5tabs(I'm guessing 20mcg ea).
Coming off yearly for 10-12wks
Switching compounds every 4 weeks or so
Switching to Prop at a given point and removing all injectables 2-3 weeks out.

I am really not sure why you guys are calling bullshit on the possibility of this being as accurate as memory can provide... his genetics and drive were pretty fucking amazing. I think he is the greatest ambassador in the history of bodybuilding... 4 Mr O's and 5-6 2nd place finishes..and 3 consecutive Arnolds.

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