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How to use HCG for sperm volume and test (several months no cycle)


New member
Jul 3, 2015
Dear all,

I am 28 years old. It has been more than 2 years after my last cycle (Test-E and Tren, conservative dose); and more than 6 months after my SARM "trial" cycle (Ostarine and S4). I always have used Nolva (40/40/20/20) as PCT

I had multiple blood work before and after, and yet my testosterone is always low. The latest (April 2016)
○ FSH: 1.2 (flagged low) - normal range (1.5 - 12.4 mIU/ml)
○ LH: 2.6 (on the lower end but no flag) - normal range (1.7 - 8.6 mIU/ml)
○ Testesterone: 5.54 (on the lower end but no flag) - normal ranger (4.94 - 32.01 mIU/ml)

It has been years and years that i had low ejaculation volume and that my testies are very small. Also my testosterone level is chronically low (still within the range) but very low as well as libido.

When I used Testosterone E in one of the cycle (probably 3 years ago), 250mg/w only I felt like a teenager again (fuller testie, libido very high)

I tried Nolva alone recently, not much improvement. I'd like your advice on HCG is that would be a solution and how to use it? (and if i need to use it first and then have nolva for example.

I have done only two cycles in my life and around 2-3 oral only. Very low doses and I really start getting worried about the fact that I have been low ever since.

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Just out of curiosity...but have you gone to a doctor? Also are you trying to get someone preggers?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I went to the doctor yes, in the philippines. I did a sperm analysis which was successfull except for volume and motility.

I don't try to impregnant someone, it's just that my entire panel of male hormone is low and i was wondering if it could be one of the cause of some other issues in a day to day basis such as lack of libido, energy etc.
Most of the volume of the ejaculate IS NOT made in the testis. It is made in the prostate.
Dear all,

I am 28 years old. It has been more than 2 years after my last cycle (Test-E and Tren, conservative dose); and more than 6 months after my SARM "trial" cycle (Ostarine and S4). I always have used Nolva (40/40/20/20) as PCT

I had multiple blood work before and after, and yet my testosterone is always low. The latest (April 2016)
○ FSH: 1.2 (flagged low) - normal range (1.5 - 12.4 mIU/ml)
○ LH: 2.6 (on the lower end but no flag) - normal range (1.7 - 8.6 mIU/ml)
○ Testesterone: 5.54 (on the lower end but no flag) - normal ranger (4.94 - 32.01 mIU/ml)

It has been years and years that i had low ejaculation volume and that my testies are very small. Also my testosterone level is chronically low (still within the range) but very low as well as libido.

When I used Testosterone E in one of the cycle (probably 3 years ago), 250mg/w only I felt like a teenager again (fuller testie, libido very high)

I tried Nolva alone recently, not much improvement. I'd like your advice on HCG is that would be a solution and how to use it? (and if i need to use it first and then have nolva for example.

I have done only two cycles in my life and around 2-3 oral only. Very low doses and I really start getting worried about the fact that I have been low ever since.


HCG is used as a treatment for when the testes aren't firing, such as primary hypogonadism.

Your LH and FSH is low (secondary hypogonadism), which means you need to use SERMS and perhaps Triptorelin at a low dose for 1-2 shots.

I'd do 2 shots of 50mg Triptorelin, 1 week apart.

Then begin a 6 week SERM treatment program with some support supplements.

wk 1-6 Clomid 25mg/ED (50mg/ED week 1)
wk 1-6 Tamox 20mg/ED (40mg/ED week)

You could try Toremifene if you don't want to use Tamox again.
Thank you for your reply.

I am not so familiar of the difference between HCG and Tripto.

However, I did a 5 week nolva (40mg/day) and didn't feel any different.

Even though the volume of ejaculate is mostly from prostate, my balls are chronically small.

I have plenty of Tamoxifen, but no clomid. What is the rational for combining them from week 1-6?

Thank you for your insight
Sorry I forgot to add:

Would HMG be more suitable? (vs HCG) any idea of dosing protocol for my situation?
Thank you for your reply.

I am not so familiar of the difference between HCG and Tripto.

However, I did a 5 week nolva (40mg/day) and didn't feel any different.

Even though the volume of ejaculate is mostly from prostate, my balls are chronically small.

I have plenty of Tamoxifen, but no clomid. What is the rational for combining them from week 1-6?

Thank you for your insight

Where was your Tamox from?

Both SERMS work well together. A combination of both may get your hypothalamus fired up and producing endogenous hormones.
I wouldn't use HCG or HMG at this point. The toremifene will do what you are looking for and quickly as well. You will have bigger loads than ever.
I currently live in China and my Tamoxifen comes from a supplier here (who i must say his legit as I've done some blood test with his HGH etc)

The latest cycle I've been on, I used branded Nolvadex from the pharmacy

I have never heard of Toremifen and don't yet grasp its difference/superiority over Nolva.

And to reply Swifto, I always used Nolva, never Clomid, I didn't know that a combo would be beneficial as I thought they would work in the similar fashion.

I know that my T and LH are still within range (but bottom) and FSH slightly below range. So it is true that I probably cannot use PCTs as if I were rock bottom.

I could get my hand on Nolva, Clomid, HMG, HCG no problem. Tomerifen I may have to look around a bit more.

If you would kindly elaborate the following point (for me to better understand and avoid mistake) I would truly appreciate:
- Would Clomid + Nolva have a superiority vs Nolva alone in my case, and what would their synergy comes from?
- How is tomerifen superior to aforementioned drug?
- if I could get my hand onto some Triptorelin, would that be a better solution that above options?

I must say I know a bit of the concept being LH; T, FSH and spermatogenesis, but less on the drug actions, abuse and possible fire back. I am looking at reaching a decent T, LH, FSH levels for my ages, and decent testes volume

Your help have been appreciated. Thank you
Dear Swifto,

What dosage of Nolva + Clomid would you think appropriate (and duration) for increasing LH + FSH. (I would make bloodwork also to confirm in between)

Dear Swifto,

What dosage of Nolva + Clomid would you think appropriate (and duration) for increasing LH + FSH. (I would make bloodwork also to confirm in between)


Post #6.
I have had the same problem and my docotr has me on hcg 3000 ius every other day for last 6 months or so and my numbers have risen quite a bit
Thank you The Jefe for your input.

I just started to dig into the HCG and I am a bit afraid to end up shutting down my own LH/FSH with it? (Or maybe such a small dose + Nolva/clomid would help)

I am still a bit in the fog.

@Swifto, I didn't see the post 6 figures before, my bad.
I actually came to almost this conclusion. That a lower than recommended injection of Triptorelin + SERM(s) could be a good way as I am not shutdown really, I am just in an (almost) healthy low, and just try to boost my own production LH,FSH and Testosterone. What really bother me the most is the small size of my testies and how "close" from my penis they are (not hanging low) which shows/explain the little volume of ejaculate. I'd like to improve this, long term, with my own production (and not injecting testosterone).

Would those 2x 50mcg Triptorelin shot a week apart you've mentioned be before starting Nolva+Clomid?
Such as (scenario 1):
D1: 50mcg Tripto
D7: 50mcg Tripto
D8 - D14: Clomid 50 + Nolva 40
D15 - D50: Clomid 25 + Nolva 20


scenario 2:
D1: 50mcg Tripto + Clomid 50 + Nolva 40
D7: 50mcg Tripto
D7 - D45: Clomid 25 + Nolva 20

Thanks for those precious info.

Other "bonus" questions: You think a Clomid 50 / Nolva 40 (1W) and Clomid 25 / Nolva 20 (6W) without Tripto nor HMG/HCG would do any good? (I tried Nolva alone at 40mg/Day for a month, no blood test, but did very little in terms of spermatogenesis (ball size and ejaculate volume). So would adding Clomid change the dynamic, or would add Tripto to the mix be the "solution"
Thank you The Jefe for your input.

I just started to dig into the HCG and I am a bit afraid to end up shutting down my own LH/FSH with it? (Or maybe such a small dose + Nolva/clomid would help)

I am still a bit in the fog.

@Swifto, I didn't see the post 6 figures before, my bad.
I actually came to almost this conclusion. That a lower than recommended injection of Triptorelin + SERM(s) could be a good way as I am not shutdown really, I am just in an (almost) healthy low, and just try to boost my own production LH,FSH and Testosterone. What really bother me the most is the small size of my testies and how "close" from my penis they are (not hanging low) which shows/explain the little volume of ejaculate. I'd like to improve this, long term, with my own production (and not injecting testosterone).

Would those 2x 50mcg Triptorelin shot a week apart you've mentioned be before starting Nolva+Clomid?
Such as (scenario 1):
D1: 50mcg Tripto
D7: 50mcg Tripto
D8 - D14: Clomid 50 + Nolva 40
D15 - D50: Clomid 25 + Nolva 20


scenario 2:
D1: 50mcg Tripto + Clomid 50 + Nolva 40
D7: 50mcg Tripto
D7 - D45: Clomid 25 + Nolva 20

Thanks for those precious info.

Other "bonus" questions: You think a Clomid 50 / Nolva 40 (1W) and Clomid 25 / Nolva 20 (6W) without Tripto nor HMG/HCG would do any good? (I tried Nolva alone at 40mg/Day for a month, no blood test, but did very little in terms of spermatogenesis (ball size and ejaculate volume). So would adding Clomid change the dynamic, or would add Tripto to the mix be the "solution"

I'd go with scenario #2.

You MUST make sure you Triptorelin is dosed correctly after reocon, as too much Trip will cause endogenous hormones to have the opposite effects and shutdown. Typically, people suggest 100mcg, but this is what I stated 50mcg, 1 week apart.

Your testes will come back naturally as natural hormones rise. If they don't, then you will need a little jump of HCG.

It may take more than 1 PCT run to get this right by the way.
Thank you Swifto, I will try scenario 2 after i get my reference blood work this week. However i have read to not use nolva/clomid while on Tripto, but i am not sure of how backed by science was this statement. So i will try and track my blood level

Triptorelin is usually sold as 2mg. so I will need to dilute it with 2mL. and inject only 5IU (insulin syringe). (If my math are correct).
In a situation like you are in op, I would start a routine of high dosed hcg to ensure your testicles are ready to receive the lh and fsh and respond to them. Tke 2000 units of hcg every day of 16 days. wait 4 days and then begin the 20mg nolva and 50mg clomid protocol. It will help you trust me. It sounds aggressive but you seem to have ongoing problems and lets use everything available at your disposal to help you.
In a situation like you are in op, I would start a routine of high dosed hcg to ensure your testicles are ready to receive the lh and fsh and respond to them. Tke 2000 units of hcg every day of 16 days. wait 4 days and then begin the 20mg nolva and 50mg clomid protocol. It will help you trust me. It sounds aggressive but you seem to have ongoing problems and lets use everything available at your disposal to help you.

No, you shouldn't inject HCG daily due to the leydig cell refractory period post injection.
Ok I took a blood test this morning. Results next week

I just received my Triptorelin, Clomid and Nolva this evening.

I've started the W1: 50mcg injection of tripto and Clomid 50 / Nolva 40

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