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Attempting to get lean... Anyone care to critique what I'm doing?

I hadn't considered a vest. I ran a little over two miles this weekend and actually somewhat enjoyed it... My knees did not lol but I'm hoping they'll come around if I stick with it
I hadn't considered a vest. I ran a little over two miles this weekend and actually somewhat enjoyed it... My knees did not lol but I'm hoping they'll come around if I stick with it

Dude... running... no bueno.
Your knees will only get worse, not better.
I feel like this thread is a train wreck (which I'm mysteriously drawn back to gawk at)
Dude... running... no bueno.
Your knees will only get worse, not better.
I feel like this thread is a train wreck (which I'm mysteriously drawn back to gawk at)

yeah with you on this one. I'd either get a back (I did this last year and I felt like a kid riding outside and it was fun!) or do some walking with a vest or carrying/pusing/pulling weighted items. Even doing that I'd still make sure you have really good shoes as it can be hard on the joints...but not like running.
yeah with you on this one. I'd either get a back (I did this last year and I felt like a kid riding outside and it was fun!) or do some walking with a vest or carrying/pusing/pulling weighted items. Even doing that I'd still make sure you have really good shoes as it can be hard on the joints...but not like running.

I used to love biking as a teenager, I'll have to see if my parents still have my bike lol.

I have pretty good running shoes, Hoka Bondi's. Being a mechanic, I'm on my feet all day and these things have made such a huge difference
yeah with you on this one. I'd either get a back (I did this last year and I felt like a kid riding outside and it was fun!) or do some walking with a vest or carrying/pusing/pulling weighted items. Even doing that I'd still make sure you have really good shoes as it can be hard on the joints...but not like running.
Bike not "back" which I'm sure everyone figured out lol
I used to love biking as a teenager, I'll have to see if my parents still have my bike lol.

I have pretty good running shoes, Hoka Bondi's. Being a mechanic, I'm on my feet all day and these things have made such a huge difference

Ok cool you are ahead of the game there. If you do stick to running I'd just make sure your shoes are top notch, and I'd also limit running. I walk a ton and often wear a vest, carry dumbbells' etc.

But man I love biking now it's crazy how fun it is and it's just nice it is zero joint strain.
Biking is a blast. I totalled my motorcycle a few years ago and figured I'd quit while I was ahead but maybe this will be a nice compromise lol
This is probably a really stupid question but, is there anything wrong with jogging for cardio?
LISS seems to be preferred and I'm currently doing incline treadmill but I'd like to start doing cardio outside. But I can't get my hr up just walking on a flat.
Walk outside faster or find an area with hills. Don’t run unless you’re looking to destroy your knees and lose leg muscle.

The goal is 130bpm steady state.

I’m sensing a theme in this thread that you don’t like the tough stuff it takes to do this sport. Lol
Walk outside faster or find an area with hills. Don’t run unless you’re looking to destroy your knees and lose leg muscle.

The goal is 130bpm steady state.

I’m sensing a theme in this thread that you don’t like the tough stuff it takes to do this sport. Lol

I'd argue that running is tougher than walking but you're not wrong lmao. I hate cutting and cardio but I'm sure most do. I'm trying to make the cardio more enjoyable and, well, I'm still trying to lean up even though permabulk is sounding pretty nice rn lol
I'd argue that running is tougher than walking but you're not wrong lmao. I hate cutting and cardio but I'm sure most do. I'm trying to make the cardio more enjoyable and, well, I'm still trying to lean up even though permabulk is sounding pretty nice rn lol
Oh running is so much harder. Sorry that wasn’t the point. Regular steady state cardio on a treadmill or stepmill is boring as shit, but it’s part of the process in a cut.

Find a good podcast or watch something on your phone. Makes the time go by quicker.

In the end when you’re super cut it will be worth it.
If you train your legs intensely I don't see how anyone would want to or be able to jog for cardio, I can hardly walk 2 or 3 days after legs day.

Not to mention knee pain and joint impact.
If you train your legs intensely I don't see how anyone would want to or be able to jog for cardio, I can hardly walk 2 or 3 days after legs day.

Not to mention knee pain and joint impact.
The problem is that few exercise intensely. It's like someone asking me if 1 minute rest between squats is enough..... Heck, I need at least 3-5 minutes before I can go on to the next set.
Why so much gear just to cut?


I've asked myself this recently. Of course I don't want to lose my gainz but, being so fat, that probably wouldn't be an issue.
I was also hoping that I could perhaps even gain a bit of lean mass while cutting down.

However, at this point, it's clear that this is going to take way longer than I thought. Maybe I should have just stayed at my cruise and only brought it up as the fat dropped.
If you train your legs intensely I don't see how anyone would want to or be able to jog for cardio, I can hardly walk 2 or 3 days after legs day.

Not to mention knee pain and joint impact.

I train legs Saturday. I did my first run this past Sunday and it was rough. My legs were sore beforehand and wow did they hurt Monday and Tuesday. This was a concern and one of reasons I asked.
But even if I hadn't just trained legs they probably would have been sore since I never run so idk
Not to mention knee pain and joint impact.
Last year I started to get knee pain when working out legs that became worse and worse over time. After months of dealing with it turned out to be caused by my wife’s little at home stepper I would do in the evenings from time to time. Just enough impact to cause issues. Went back to strictly incline treadmill walking only and have zero knee pain
I train legs Saturday. I did my first run this past Sunday and it was rough. My legs were sore beforehand and wow did they hurt Monday and Tuesday. This was a concern and one of reasons I asked.
But even if I hadn't just trained legs they probably would have been sore since I never run so idk
Running the day after a leg day is a horrible idea. You would be smashing your joints. I can barely walk let alone run days after a leg workout.
So you ask for advice
Get it from qualified professionals/coaches
Then do exactly what they advised against

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